- なぜ事象{じしょう}が生起{せいき}するか説明{せつめい}する
explain why things happen 意味
- "explain what someone feels toward" 意味
- "explain what the terms mean" 意味
- "explain why is feeling so churned up" 意味
- "explain why one has done so" 意味
- "explain why the misunderstanding occurred" 意味
- "explain with an example" 意味
- "explain with diagrams" 意味
- "explain with the deliberation of a taped lecture" 意味
- "explain with zeal" 意味
- "explain why one has done so" 意味
- "explain why the misunderstanding occurred" 意味
- "explain with an example" 意味
- "explain with diagrams" 意味